Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sharon Bassett Foundation

On Friday evening we were invited to attend a Parrot Party in Carmel, Indiana at the Irsay Pavillion. It sounded like fun so accepted the invitation and boy am I glad we did. What an amazing group of individuals. The Sharon L. Basset Foundation is an organization that helps families in Indiana and Illinois living with breast cancer. The Foundation began as a small fund in 2001 to honor an amazing woman who, while battling breast cancer herself, stopped at nothing to help others as they lived with breast cancer. To learn more about this amazing organization visit their website at

So I have to tell you how we received our invitation. Brenda, who is one of Sharon Bassett's nieces and one of the organizers of the Parrot Party went to have a manicure done, in Illinois where she lives, for this event. While there Brenda was telling her manicurist the she does not have manicures regularly but this was a special event. As she told her manicurist about the foundation the manicurist asked her if she had ever heard of Hello Gorgeous! Brenda said that she had not but she would look us up. She did and sent me an e-mail, we were in Indianapolis and made it work. It turned out that the Illinois manicurist learned about us at the America's Beauty Show in Chicago. How cool was that!! What a Blessing it was for us to be invited.

Kim Zabrowsky and Trisha Potter came down to Indy to be with us for the event. They brought a little bit of HOME to me!!

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